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Save Data God Eater Burst: How to Transfer Your Equipment and Items to God Eater 2[^1^]


Cross save, also known as cross-progression, is the ability to transfer save data between different platforms. For example, if you have a character or have reached a level on a PS4 that you want to play on an Xbox One, you can use cross-save to transfer your progress over.

Here's the link for Update, hopefully next time i can post the DLC for God Eater 2 (only if God Eater 2 officially release the DLC and i got the link from any websites). Then again, one thing that you must remember before posting a comment to this article "THIS IS NOT ABOUT SHARING ENGLISH PATCH" or anything related to that, I won't even publish your question related to that and I hope all of you are smart enough to use Google to find it the whatever English patch or when the game get localization by yourself 1.01 (20/11/2013) pass: progamersdiary changelog: increase money reward by 10 %1.1 (20/12/2013) I'm not uploading this update and credit goes to original uploader which is I found it on God Eater Wiki sites. changelog: including new santa outfit for male & female, rebalancing gun damage, fix some bugs, new missions, etc1.2 2014 (Credit Goes To Original Uploader)Again for this patch I'm not uploading it, i found it yesterday but can't upload it due to the worst connection from my internet (probably the worst weather/rain that happened about two weeks until now).changelog: this whole update contains update 1.2 and a packs of dlc such as Shinpachi (Gintama) costume, additional Story (Lindow), some dlc missions, etc . Well I hope you enjoy it the new dlc and don't forget to say thanks to the original uploader (only if you know about him or her).1.3 2014 (Credit Goes To Nicoblog)Sorry for the late update, I'm so busy in IRL & with my Nintendo 3DS games so i'm really forget about upcoming 1.3 patch for God Eater 2. I already download it from nicoblog and it works on 6.60 PRO C2.changelog: including new DLC Tiger & Bunny (Wild Tiger as male protagonist costume & Barnaby as female protagonist costume). DLC1.4 (credit goes to Nicoblog) change log 1.4: further detail can be seen on here .God Eater Burst Old Costume (password: progamersdiary)Contains old God Eater Burst uniform for protagonist (male & female) and old suits for any returning npc from God Eater Burst like : Kouta, Alissa, Soma & Kanon. You can get the old uniform for your character through buying it from the store (+ around 100 fc) . For the returning NPC , it 's about the same like how you choose the casual suit or Blood suit for the new NPC in God Eater 2 (You will see the old npc now have 2 names when your add them to the party)Ciel Outfit Contains Ciel Outfit for female protagonist (no preview image added here since my character is male). December DLC Pack (pass: progamersdiary) Contains DLC costume Idolmaster Alissa - Music Weapon, DLC Mission - Reunion, DLC costume Gilbert note for December DLC Pack: extract into your latest update folderHow to put it ? Extract and then put the NPJH50832 folder into your GAME folder in your memory card (PSP/GAME). Problem : For All CFW user , Do not remove or overwrite your NPJH50832 folder (update 1.10) with NPJH50832 folder (contains DLC costumes), because the update must remain in your memory card to running the game & DLC.Solution : Copy all *.edat format from the DLC folder (remember just copy all *.edat format) into your NPJH50832 update folder in your PSP/GAME directory. How to patch ? Almost the same like patching update on Toukiden game that i wrote on Toukiden Update Patch article. You can see on Toukiden update patch article -update-patch-from-101-102-103.html#more .How do we know that the game already patched ? There should be notification in lobby that you successfully update this game into the latest update. Data Importation & Carry Over previous equipments from God Eater Burst To God Eater 2To carry over your previous equipments from your God Eater Burst game , you will need God Eater Burst Japan Save data, if you don't have that and only playing either on US/EU God Eater Burst then you must convert it to Japan region. Here you can follow the step by step _NA.2FEU_savedata_to_JP_savedata , You will need God Eater Burst Japan region in order to convert your US/EU Save data and again you can buy or google it to find God Eater Burst Japan by yourself. You can read the requirement for Carry Over by yourself on this link _Importation. It's good if you can fulfill all of the requirement because you can carry over 12 Equipment (only weapon : Blade, Gun & Shield) including DLC weapon (only if you have that on your savedata) . Also if you can't fulfill all of the requirement, you can still carry over your previous equipment but it depends on how many requirement that you pass for carry over (as my original save data only complete at least half from 12 requirements and can only bring maximum 6 equipments)Save Data GEB REG JAPAN (almost all equips including DLC weapon and you can carry over 12 equipments using this save data).Here save data for some of you that too lazy to playing the GEB or didn't have the GEB JPN Region. Credit goes to Mornsta from God Eater Wiki , I only bought all of weapon using his/her cash in the game and reupload the Save data , so all of you who doesn't have the GEB JPN Region can only put this Save data into your memory card then open your GE2 game and import whatever equipment that you want (i dunno which equip that you want so i just bought all of them from lowest rank until higher rank). So enjoy it Compatibility & Other Supports It seems any patching method through ISO Tools can't make God Eater 2 run in lower CFW so I recommend you to update your CFW to the latest CFW (any 6.60 CFW can run this game, also i hear that 6.20 and 6.39 can also run this game).The other option is you can play it through PPSSPP emulator (latest update), it can run the God Eater 2 Game but still has problem like black screen when begin the mission but you can reset your emulator then you can play again (really annoying because you will reset the emulator again and again).Also Wi-fi multiplayer is not available for PSP 1000 , probably due to the specification is lower than other PSP like 2000, 3000 and Go series. Issues: Carry over doesn't work with emulator ? 6/12/2013Importing carry over God Eater Burst save data doesn't work in PPSSPP emulator (i'm using 0.9.5). However there's one method that let you play the game with carry over God Eater Burst weapon, by creating new game on God Eater 2 using Playstation Portable (you can borrow it from your friend that have Playstation Portable if you don't have or ask any of your friend to create and import it for yourself ) , import any weapons that you want using Playstation Portable after that copy your save data from PSP to save data folder in your PPSSPP emulator then you can play your God Eater 2 game with carry over God Eater Burst weapons. My carry over weapon: Caligula set & DLC costumeAlso if you purchase the Old God Eater Burst Costume from DLC on your PSP, you can bring that costume on emulator without copy the dlc folder on your emulator folder. Issues: How To Patch From PC ? (Try it by yourself )I've been trying this but it doesn't have a good result, probably any of you who doesn't have PSP will get the troubleshoot better from me if you manage to found out what's wrong with my method. Lately I received a lot of message with similar question asking about how to patch the game if we doesn't have PSP or PSVita ?Some method that i remember to patch any PSP game from PC without fail is using UMDGEN , but somehow i can't test it after I change my computer OS into Windows 7 64 bit, well the program can't open so i recommend you to find it by yourself how to use it if you can open the program in your computer. Another easy solution is download the iso that already patched by latest update from uploader, but sometimes it just waste your bandwith especially if you doesn't have a really good internet connection. I have another solution that i tried yesterday, i run the ISO Tool (PSP apps that help you patch the game from PSP) from PPSSPP emulator, the game successfully patched into the latest update that i have (1.2), but this method can't go smooth as i want , i can't run the game as there is a pop up notification 'game corrupted'. I haven't tried test it on my PSP or new version of PPSSPP (currently using 0.9.5) since IRL i'm so busy. But if you want to test it , I will give this method to you . First you need the ISO Tool (any version but the most recommended is the latest version), search it by google then download it. After that create a folder in ppsspp_win\ppsspp\memstick\PSP directory then rename the folder into GAME, put the ISO Tool that you already download into GAME folderDownload the latest God Eater 2 game update (you don't need to download all just the latest, except for the DLC), extract and then put the NPJH50832 into GAME folder. Run your PPSSPP emulator , click load and find the eboot.pbp file from ISO Tool folder then open it.The emulator will run the ISO tool program, press X (depends on which button that you put as X in your control settings ), choose game update by pressing X , press X again when another pop up appear (asking do you want to start the update, choose yes) , you can wait until the patching finish , load your God Eater 2 game to see the result (mine doesn't work but your probably work in some ways, let's hope so).note: make sure to backup your God Eater 2 iso file before updating the game also make sure to put your update patch into the right directory (ppsspp_win\ppsspp\memstick\PSP\GAME), because the ISO tool program itself is specially made for PSP so we must follow what will work on PSP in PC version.well it doesn't have good result yet , but trying some method won't waste your time although the result doesn't meet your expectation

Save Data God Eater Burst



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