Hi i have download the EZX hiphop add on, and it comes up with message saying i need to update toontrack software. What do i do now? I have Superior Drummer 2.4.0 64 bit. As it says that is required. Thanks
ezdrummer 2 update 2.0.2
HI i have purchase ezdrummer2 on your website then i download and install it on my mac everything is good.then i purchase hiphop ezx when i try to install it i have the message that i need to upgrade to the latest version.how can i do to install it?
What I did was:1. Intalled the app from the first folder EZDrummer22. Intalled the update from third folder EZdrummer 2 Update 2.0.23. Copied the patch from the folder Patched VST DLLs Only-TVB 2.0.2 and patched the dll in C:\Program Files\VstPlugins\Toontrack\EZdrummer.dll4. Run the program5. Installed every library from fourth folder named EZX
ToonTrack has updated EZDrummer2 so that user libraries (IE. Beatbuddy, Groove Monkee, homegrown) can be searched via Tap to find and midi file drop. The below shows a few user libraries I have loaded when filtered on the Beatbuddy content folder. I dropped a blues clip from the list onto the search box and instant BB matches to go with it. If the BeatBuddy filter is turned off all the other ToonTrack, GrooveMonkee and custom midis will be seen in the match list sorted by best match. This is an awesome enhancement that translates to never needing to go to a folder or file and loading one at a time manually to audition or trying to remember what file names sounds like they could go with fills etc.
Hi Klink, it is v2.1 updated from 2.02 no charge, thanks ToonTrack! I did the update to EZDrummer2 then to the dozen or so midi packs and EZX kits I added on, works wicked pissah. The Libraries are the folder names so if you have a rock collection or whatever in a folder you can filter on or exclude etc.
We are pleased to announce the release of a new version of the Yamaha Steinberg USB driver for Mac.The version 2.0.2 now ensures compatibility with macOS Catalina and resolves some minor issues.For detailed information, we ask you to refer to the corresponding version history on the download page.Best regards,Stefan Schreiber
Another issue was that my interface appeared twice in the list. After running several uninstaller and installing version 2.0.2 again, this problem was solved but the problems above have persisted all the time.
Sib. 7.5: Airpin thickness Posted by Angelo Gilardino - 13 May 07:47AM Hide picture Is there a way to make thicker the default airpins in Sibeius? ag Back to top Allthreads Re: Sib. 7.5: Airpin thickness Posted by Jim Druckenmiller - 13 May 09:04AM Hide picture Hi,This can happen from the Edit Lines Menu.see screen capture attachment. Attachment Hairpin Line Width.png (632K) Back to top Allthreads Re: Sib. 7.5: Airpin thickness Posted by Angelo Gilardino - 13 May 11:21AM Hide picture thankyou very much.ag Back to top Allthreads Re: Sib. 7.5: Airpin thickness Posted by Jesper Elén - 13 May 01:20PM Hide picture Ah, that's French for hairpin.; - )Jesper-- MacBook Pro, 8GB, OS 10.10.3, Sibelius 7.5.1, Wallander Instruments Brass & Woodwind 2.3.7,Wallander Instruments NotePerformer 1.4.2,EZDrummer 2.0.2 + Jazz EZX 1.5.1, Pianoteq Pro 5.2, Acoustic Samples The Upright Back to top Allthreads Re: Sib. 7.5: Airpin thickness Posted by Laurence Payne - 13 May 01:26PM Hide picture Madame de Gaulle was said to have been lunching with the American ambassador at the time of her husband's retirement when she was asked what she was most looking forward to in the years ahead.She thought for a moment before announcing boldly: "A penis". A startled hush fell over the table until the former president leant over and said: "My dear, I think it's pronounced 'happiness'." _our_own_correspondent/8096988.stm Back to top Allthreads Re: Sib. 7.5: Airpin thickness Posted by Jesper Elén - 13 May 03:41PM Hide picture Hi hi, we had a Swedish prime minister that wasn't very good in English so when meeting some foreign president he said "Who are you"Jesper-- MacBook Pro, 8GB, OS 10.10.3, Sibelius 7.5.1, Wallander Instruments Brass & Woodwind 2.3.7,Wallander Instruments NotePerformer 1.4.2,EZDrummer 2.0.2 + Jazz EZX 1.5.1, Pianoteq Pro 5.2, Acoustic Samples The Upright Back to top Allthreads
As i said these controls will differ depending on what EZdrummer expansion in use.speaking of expansion, all the EZdrummer expansion have been updated to work with EZdrummer 2, this has also been done free from additional cost so you can keep using your favorite EZX in EZdrummer 2. 2ff7e9595c