I have a Garmin Etrex Vista HCx and an iMAC. Is there any way to delete a whole bunch of waypoints off the Etrex. I've installed BaseCamp on the MAC but I can't see where/how to delete stuff en-block. Is there some other software that I should be using?
Delete Waypoints Garmin Etrex Vista
Custom POIs can not be created, edited, or deleted on the handset; they can only be created by software like Garmin POILoader or GPSBabel. You can have many more (tens of thousands) of Custom POIs than waypoints. Custom POIs do not show by default on the map until you zoom into the tightest zoom levels.
[Photo Viewer] > (Menu) > [Sort Photos] menu should be titled "Select A Photo Sorting Option" (or similar) while retaining the same three options.(810)[280] [290] [300]49.[Photo Viewer] > (Menu) > [Sort Photos] > [On A Specific Date] always shows all photos loaded, regardless of date chosen. [Garmin: "The photo viewer will scroll you to photos that were taken on the specified date - It will not filter or hide photos that are from other dates."](812)[280] [290] [300]50.Pressing (Menu) > (Menu) > any function > (Quit) from any active page returns the user to the page immediately preceding the 'Main Menu' icon in the Page Ribbon sequence, instead of returning the user to the page that was active when the '(Menu) > (Menu)' function was initiated. This only occurs if the 'Main Menu' icon is included in the Page Ribbon sequence. Removing the 'Main Menu' icon from the Page Ribbon sequence restores proper function. (822)[210] [250][280][290] [300] [310] [320] [330] [340] [410] [420] [470]51.Elevation data saved in track logs recorded with Expedition Mode enabled may be erratic, inconsistent and/or unreliable. [Gr](816)[250] [280] [290] [300] [310]52.Routing method does not change when switching between Profiles where the new profile routing method is set to 'Prompted' (should be Profile Dependent). [Gr] [Gr] [250] [280] [290] [300] [310] [320] [330] [340] [410] [420] [470] [480] [490] [500] [600] [700] [710] [720] [730] [740] [760] [960] [990] [1000] [1010] [1020] [1030]53.The boot process may intermittently stall at the "Loading Waypoints, Tracks, and Routes..." progress bar for several hours. [Gr] [potential solution] [280] [290] [300] 54.GPSMAP 66 will not power on after disconnecting from a USB 'Mass Storage' connection with [Setup > Altimeter > Pressure Trending = Save Always] until a USB connection is restored. [Gr](821)[280] [290] [300] [310]55.GC Live function fails to download any additional child waypoints (Parking, Multi-cache stages, etc.) when available, effectively rendering the GC Live 'feature' useless for a large percentage of available geocaches. [groundspeak](825)[210] [250][280] [290] [300] [310] [320] [330] [340] [410] [420] [470]56.Cycling the power button to 'Resume' from Expedition Mode frequently results in an (indicated) total satellite connection failure. All GPS signal strength bars will be empty, the Map page will show a blinking "?" over the position icon (which is still located at the last place the GPSr had a signal), and the Satellite page will show zero satellites available. [Gr] [Gr] [300] [310] [320] [330] [340] [410]57.Custom Maps (KMZ) placed in the [micro-SD]\Garmin\CustomMaps\ directory are not indexed or displayed, contradictory to all previous generations of Garmin GPSr supporting Custom Maps. [210] [250][280] [290] [300] [310]58.While in the Satellite page, pressing (Find) and selecting any waypoint, geocache, etc. results in the [Use] button being displayed (which is use-less) instead of the [Go] button, WHEN the Satellite page is entered from the Page Ribbon. [groundspeak] [example] [210] [250][280] [290][300] [310] [320] [330]59.Garmin Adventure icons are not always displayed correctly on the GPSMAP 66 (same Garmin Adventure icon displays properly on similar GPSr). [example](840)[210] [250][280] [290] [300] [310] [320] [330] [340] [410] [420] [470]60.Map rendering speed is noticeably slower (can be very slow) when a dashboard is enabled, most notably the Geocache and Satellite dashboards. [Gr](850)[210] [250][280] [290] [300] [310] [320] [330] [340] [410] [420] [470] [480] [490] [500] [600] [700] [710] [720] [730][740] [760] [960] [990] [1000] [1010] [1020] [1030]61.Some users report the symbol is missing in [Setup] > [Position Format] > [hdddmm.mmm'], which should read hdddmm.mmm'. This issue affects coordinates displayed throughout the device and is persistent even after changing language settings. [example] [Gr] [FIX] [All]62.GPSMAP 66 - Main Menu Corruption [example]Press (Menu) > (Menu) > [Setup] > [Menus] > [Menu Style] = [Big Grid].Press (Menu) > (Menu).Press D-PAD (Down) repeatedly until you have reached the bottom or end of the Main Menu.If the bottom row has only one icon on the left with a blank space on the right:Press D-PAD (Down) > (Up).The previously blank space on the right will now show the title for one Main Menu Icon above the graphic of another.This new 'Corrupted Icon' is not selectable.(855)[310] [330]63.When [Setup] > [Map] > [Orientation] = [Track Up], the Map page frequently fails to display map data near the bottom of the screen. [examples] [Gr](861)[310]64.Speed Limit data field may not function as expected. [examples](860)[310]65.Automotive Turn data field may not function as expected. [examples](860)[310]66.While viewing both 'Altitude' and 'GPS Altitude' Trip Computer data fields with [Setup] > [Altimeter] > [Auto Calibration] = [Continuous] and [Setup] > [Recording] > [Auto Start] = [Off] selected: [Gr]When 'Recording Controls' page shows no track log data (no active recording), both 'Altitude' and 'GPS Altitude' data fields will mirror each other.When 'Recording Controls' page shows track log data (active or paused), the 'Altitude' and 'GPS Altitude' data fields no longer mirror each other.(864)[210] [250][280] [290] [300][310] [320] [330] [340] [410] [420] [470]67.When navigating to 'Next Stage' coordinates for a geocache that does not exist in any GPX or GGZ file, the Geocaching page no longer displays the description for the parent geocache, which often includes critical information required to complete the search. [garmin de] (863)[310] [320] [330] [340] [410] [420] [470] [480] [490] [500] [600] [700]68.Tracklogs created with Expedition Mode active are frequently reported with tens of thousands of additional miles beyond actual distance traveled in both the 'Activity Distance' data field and saved GPX file '' tag. [example] [forum] [210] [250][280] [290] [300] [310] [320] [330] [340] [410]69.Map page menu options 'Show Dashboard', 'Hide Dashboard' and 'Geocache Filter' are always displayed in English, regardless of user selected language. [example] [Gr](875)[330] [340] [410] [420] [470]70.Saved Track Elevation Plot Cursor Control Issue - The behavior described below in step 8 should (is expected to) occur following steps 6 and 7, not the behavior described in step 9: [Gr] Open any recorded activity or saved trackSelect the Elevation Profile TabPress D-PAD (Up) or (Down) to swap active cursor between upper and lower windowsPress D-PAD (Left) or (Right) to move cursor along elevation profilePress (Menu) > [View Map] to view track map at cursor positionPress (Quit) to exit Map View and return to Elevation Profile TabPressing D-PAD (Up) or (Down) continues to swap active cursor between upper and lower windowsPressing D-PAD (Left) or (Right)should move cursor along elevation profilePressing D-PAD (Left) or (Right) actually cycles between available Tabs (Map, Info, Elevation)(881)[300] [310] [320] [330] [340] [410] [420] [470]71.EPO.BIN file does not always update with Wi-Fi enabled or when performing a 'sync' operation with Garmin Connect. [Gr] [340] [410] [420] [470]72.Multiple tracklog statistics do not properly reset after clearing a tracklog in the Recording Controls page, including Minimum and Maximum Elevation, Total Ascent and Descent, and Calories. [Gr](888)[340] [410]73.Selecting (Find) > [Cities] > (Menu) > [Spell Search] can provide an extremely sluggish response to user input and displayed results, and may result in [crash 8]. [example 1] [example 2] [Gr](887)[310] [330] [340] [410] [420] [470] [480] [490] [500] [600] [700] [710] [720] [730][740] [760] [960] [990] [1000] [1010] [1020] [1030]74.Selecting [Setup] > [Sensors] > [Fitness] > [Bike Spd/Cad Sensor] > [Status] > [Off] has no affect on sensor status, which always remains in 'Searching' mode. [example](884)[340] [410]75.Saved waypoint symbols do not always agree between map display and waypoint manager display. [example](885)[340] [410] [420]76.After opening the Status page (cycle power button) and selecting 'Weather', 'Wi-Fi', 'Bluetooth', 'Sensors' or 'Notifications', and then pressing (Quit), the user is returned to the Status page, as expected. However, after selecting 'Activity Recording' in the Status page and then pressing (Quit), the user is not returned to the Status page, which is unexpected. [Gr](882)[340] [410] [420] [470]77.Adventures may randomly lose data and/or disappear from the device, and the user may find Adventure data files moved and/or deleted between microSD card and internal memory. [340] [410] [420] [470] [480] [490] [500] [600] [700] [710] [720] [730] [740] [760] [960] [990] [1000] [1010] [1020] [1030]78.Geocaching quick filter selections are not always properly retained. [similar to Oregon 6x0 Bug 11,Oregon 7x0 Bug 44, andeTrex Touch Bug 8]Open Geocaching page
Press (Menu)
Select [Filter]
Press (Menu)
Select [Apply a Saved Filter]
Select [Virtual]
The Virtual icon is selected, all other types are greyed out (as expected)
Select [Types]
Press (Enter)
All cache icon types are enabled ('Virtual' was just selected)
[250] [280] [290] [300] [310] [320] [330] [340] [410] [420] [470]79.Immediately after opening the Waypoint Manager page, while the waypoint list is populating, the user can D-PAD Up to jump to the end of the waypoint list and D-PAD Down to get back to the beginning of the waypoint list, but once the waypoint list is fully populated, this function is no longer available. [Gr] [410] [420] [470]80.After scrolling through pages of waypoints in the Waypoint Manager page list, then selecting and deleting a waypoint, the user is returned to the beginning of the waypoint list instead of being returned to the place in the list where they left off. [Gr] [410] [420] [470] [480] [490] [500] [600] [700] [710] [720] [730] [740] [760] [960] [990] [1000] [1010] [1020] [1030]81.Recording Controls statistics for current track can become considerably skewed after device is without battery power or good GPS signal lock for a period of time. [Gr]Power GPSr on and wait for good GPS signal and position fix. Check date and Time are correct, and note these values.Open Recording Controls page, clear the current activity and start recording a new activity.Note the time starts counting from zero in the Recording Controls Info Tab.Power down the GPSr and remove the batteries.Wait 30-120 minutes.If possible, move to an area or location with poor GPS reception (indoors, basement, etc.)Reinstall the batteries and power the GPSr on.Note that the time of day is incorrect while GPS position is unknown.If the time displayed is not incorrect while the GPSr searches for GPS signals, restart the entire procedure, leaving the batteries out of the device for a longer period of time.Open Recording Controls Info Tab and note the Time and Elapsed Activity Time data fields both still display a time similar to the time the GPSr was powered off.Move to a location with a good GPS signal.Note that the device time is corrected after the GPS signals are restored.Open Recording Controls Info Tab and note that the Elapsed Activity Time data field is off by many hours anddoes not correspond to the actual time the device was powered off nor the time the unit has been powered on since clearing the current activity in step 2. [410] [420] [470]82.GPX tracklogs automatically saved to the Garmin/GPX/Archive directory with [Setup] > [Recording] > [Advanced Setup] > [GPX Auto Archive] > [Daily] always include a single trailing track point from the day the unit was next powered on, resulting in faulty calculation of tracklog properties (example: total time or distance value after moving a large distance and/or waiting several days before powering unit back on). [Gr] [250] [280] [290] [300] [310] [320] [330] [340] [410] [420] [470]83.After selecting (Find) > [Addresses] > [Number] the English keyboard is always displayed, regardless of keyboard language selected. Entering any single digit results in the keyboard shifting to a lowercase layout without any numbers displayed, requiring the user to select and enable the number pad before they can complete address number entry. This behavior exists only when the keyboard is configured for any language other than English. [Gr] [410] [420] [470] [480] [490] [500] [600] [700] [710] [720] [730] [740] [760] [960] [990] [1000] [1010] [1020] [1030]84.Intermittently, the GPSMAP 66 may fail to show available waypoints, tracks, and routes loaded to the device, sometimes accompanied by a 'Database Error' warning message. Multiple power cycles may be required before the GPSR correctly rebuilds the internal database. [Gr] [420]85.Each time the Current Track (GPX) is archived as configured in [Setup] > [Recording] > [Advanced] > [Auto Save], all Activity (FIT) data is discarded and permanently lost. Perhaps the option to also create a FIT file when auto archiving should be available to the user? [Gr] [420] [470]86.After starting navigation to a geocache child waypoint via 'Additional Waypoints', the Geocaching page no longer provides access to 'parent geocache' information. This behavior is inconsistent with other Garmin models (Montana 7x0). [Gr] [470] [480] [490] [500] [600] [700] [710] [720] [730] [740] [760] [960][990]87.Device is unable to connect to Wi-Fi networks with hidden SSID. (may be related tocrash 10)(1015)[250] [280] [290] [300] [310] [320] [330] [340] [410] [420] [470] [480] [490] [500] [600] [700]88.Panning the Map page to a new location and pressing (Find) > any category always provides a search result in proximity to the devices current location instead of the selected map location. [Gr] [420] [470] [480] [490] [500] [600] [700] [710] [720] [730] [740] [760] [960] [990]89.The Setup Menu frequently appears in part or whole, interfering with and inhibiting normal device operation (especially when Wi-Fi is enabled but not connected). [example] [garmin](1026) (1027)[470] [480] [490] [500] [600] [700]90.Garmin Adventure Photos loaded to the microSD card may not be properly indexed or displayed when sorted by 'Most Recent' in 'Photo Viewer' page, but are properly displayed when viewed from Adventure Content page. [470] [480] [490] [500] [600] [700][710] [720] [730] [740] [760] [960] [990] [1000] [1010] [1020] [1030]91.Users with a large number of individual maps loaded may be unable to access one or more (or all) BirdsEye Satellite Imagery menu options in the Map page configuration menu. [example] [Gr] [420] [470] [480] [490] [500] [600] [700]92.Programming a blank chirp frequently results in a 'Data Transmission Failed' message being displayed, even after chirp programming was successful. [470] [480] [490] [500] [600] [700] [710] [720] [730] [740] [760] [960] [990] [1000] [1010] [1020] [1030]93.Geocaches loaded via 'Share Wirelessly' do not include child waypoints. [470] [480] [490] [500] [600] [700] [710] [720] [730] [740] [760] [960] [990] [1000] [1010] [1020] [1030]94.When adjusting the GPSMAP 66 backlight brightness from the Status page (00%, NV, 10%, 20% ... 90%, 100%) to '10%', the display is darker than when 'NV' is selected (should be brighter than 'NV', but appears to be identical to '00%'). [example] [480] [490] [500] [600] [700] [710] [720] [730] [740] [760] [960] [990] [1000] [1010] [1020] [1030]95.Starting the GPSMAP 66 with geocache proximity alerts enabled while several hundred geocaches are loaded via GGZ files frequently results in a substantially longer boot sequence duration. [Gr](1031)[480] [490]96.Geocache 'Child Waypoints' are always displayed by 'Code', and never by 'Name', regardless of the user selection in Geocaching Setup. [470] [480] [490] [500] [600] [700] [710] [720] [730] [740] [760] [960] [990] [1000] [1010] [1020] [1030]97.After beginning navigation to a geocache child waypoint, having just selecting the child waypoint from the Geocache page 'Additional Waypoints' menu, the user no longer has access to the parent geocache information from the Geocaching page. Child Waypoints (or 'Additional Waypoints') should always be treated as 'Via Points' when selected from 'Additional Waypoints' menu. [490] [500] [600] [700]98.Custom Waypoint Symbols loaded to the device with names including a 'Hot Spot' are ignored and not displayed.(1047)[250] [280] [290] [300] [310] [320] [330] [340] [410] [420] [470] [480] [490] [500] [600] [700]99.Waypoint Manager does not allow the user to jump to the bottom of the waypoint list by pressing D-PAD Up from the top of the list, nor can the user jump to the top of the waypoint list by pressing D-PAD Down from the bottom of the list. This behavior is inconsistent when compared to other lists on the same device (Recorded Activities, Active Route, Saved Tracks, Route Planner, Profiles, etc.) or when compared to previous Garmin GPSr Waypoint Manager list behaviors (eTrex Vista HCx, etc.). [Gr] [250] [280] [290] [300] [310] [320] [330] [340] [410] [420] [470] [480] [490] [500] [600] [700] [710] [720] [730] [740] [760] [960] [990] [1000] [1010] [1020] [1030]100.Selecting [Share Wirelessly > Send > Photos] when no photos are loaded on the device can result in an erratic display alternating between the Main Menu page and Share Wirelessly page. [garmin] [490] [500] [600] [700] [710] [720]101.Tracklogs recorded on the GPSMAP 66 may exhibit intermittent time shifts spanning months or years. [Gr] [Gr] [310] [320] [330] [340] [410] [420] [470] [480] [490] [500] [600] [700] [710] [720] [730] [740] [760] [960] [990] [1000] [1010] [1020] [1030]102.Sending and receiving geocaches via Share Wirelessly frequently fails. [groundspeak] [600] [700] [710] [720] [730] [740] [760] [960] [990] [1000] [1010] [1020] [1030]103.Sending and receiving waypoints via Share Wirelessly frequently fails. [600] [700] [710] [720] [730] [740] [760] [960] [990] [1000] [1010] [1020] [1030]104.Sending and receiving tracks via Share Wirelessly frequently fails. [groundspeak] [600] [700] [710] [720] [730] [740] [760] [960] [990] [1000] [1010] [1020] [1030]105.Sending and receiving routes via Share Wirelessly frequently fails. [600] [700] [710] [720] [730] [740] [760] [960] [990] [1000] [1010] [1020] [1030]106.Sending and receiving photos via Share Wirelessly frequently fails. [600] [700] [710] [720] [730] [740] [760] [960] [990] [1000] [1010] [1020] [1030]107.Sending and receiving custom maps via Share Wirelessly frequently fails. [600] [700] [710] [720] [730] [740] [760] [960] [990] [1000] [1010] [1020] [1030]108.Geocache Proximity Alerts only sound for the first geocache approached after each power cycle. [Gr] [600] [700]109.FIT files may record/report incorrect or exaggerated Total Ascent values. [garmin] [600] [700] [710] [720] [730] [740] [760] [960] [990] [1000] [1010] [1020] [1030]110.FIT files may record/report incorrect or exaggerated Total Distance values. [garmin] [600] [700] [710] [720] [730] [740] [760] [960] [990] [1000] [1010] [1020] [1030]111.Course (CDI) bearing line remains positioned over the course line during off-course navigation. This behavior is inconsistent with many prior and current generation Garmin GPSr. [garmin.de] [250] [280] [290] [300] [310] [320] [330] [340] [410] [420] [470] [480] [490] [500] [600] [700]112.Geocaches listed in the Adventure Content Menu may not appear when selected. [250] [280] [290] [300] [310] [320] [330] [340] [410] [420] [470] [480] [490] [500] [600] [700]113.Returning to the home page for a selected Adventure after viewing any listed content results in the map displaying the users current location instead of the Adventure location. [250] [280] [290] [300] [310] [320] [330] [340] [410] [420] [470] [480] [490] [500] [600] [700] [710] [720] [730] [740] [760][960]114.The GPSMAP 66s/st consistently locates fewer Galileo satellites than comparable Garmin devices when used side by side. [250] [280] [290] [300] [310] [320] [330] [340] [410] [420] [470] [480] [490] [500] [600] [700] [710] [720] [730] [740] [760][960]115.Configuring [Setup > Waypoints > Suffix = 0000] results in a value of '10000' being displayed in the setup menu with the next marked waypoint using the next free suffix number counting up from '0000'. [Gr] [600] [700]116.After selecting and beginning navigation to a geocache, the Geocache List Tab may be displayed instead of the Active Geocache Tab. [720] [730] [740] [760] [960]117.The user interface has become noticeably sluggish and slow to respond to user input with firmware version 7.20. [720] [730] [740] [760] [960]118.GCLive downloads seem to require a substantially longer period of time to complete with firmware version 7.20. [720] [730] [740] [760] [960]119.With Trip Recording configured for 'During Activity' and Activity Recording paused or inactive, the Recording Controls Activity Plot Tab accumulates 'Total Ascent' data while the Information Tab continues to display no change for the same value. [720] [730] [740] [760] [960] [990] [1000] [1010] [1020] [1030]120.Geocache Photos can not be selected or viewed when no other JPEG images exist on the device or microSD card. [Gr] [720] [730] [740] [760] [960] [990] [1000] [1010] [1020] [1030]121.After [A.] selecting a data point on the Map page with the cursor and pressing (Enter), the data point, cursor, and shadow are displayed in duplicate below the originals, and the status bar is no longer displayed. When [B.] pressing (Menu) > (Menu) immediately after, the status bar returns in duplicate and the Main Menu is displayed partially off screen. [example] [720] [730] [740] [760] [960]122.Compass may fail to respond while the device is in motion. [example] [Gr][Garmin: "This is normal and correct behavior."] [Related:Feature Request 39] [600] [700] [710] [720] [730] [740] [760][960]123.Map page waypoint name text does not honor display mode changes. User must disable then enable text display in Map Setup to force correct text display for current display mode. SeeMontana 7x0 forum post for details. [720] [730] [740] [760] [960]124.Keyboard language selection is not retained across power cycles. [720] [730] [740] [760] [960]125.Opening the Alarm Clock page and pressing (Menu) > selecting [Timer] > pressing (Enter) results in erratic display page confusion. [example] [740] [760]126.Changing the Route Activity while navigating any route with Via Points results in all Via Points being stripped from the route. [740] [760] [960]127.Text for 'Area' data field on the 'Recording Controls' and 'Save Activity' pages may be displayed partially off screen. [Gr](1115)[720] [730] [740] [760] [960] [990] [1000] [1010] [1020] [1030]128.While viewing waypoints listed in any Adventure Content menu;(A). Selecting [Menu > Sort > Nearest or Alphabetical] always results in a list of all waypoints loaded on the device being displayed (should only display waypoints associated with the selected Adventure).(B). Exiting this sorted waypoint list always results in the user being returned to the device Main Menu (should return user to the content menu for the selected Adventure). [760] [960] [990] [1000] [1010] [1020] [1030]129.Saved Track and Recording Controls Elevation Plot Cursor Control Issue - The behavior described below in step 8 should (is expected to) occur following steps 6 and 7, not the behavior described in step 9: [Gr] Open any recorded activity, saved track or the Recording Controls pageSelect the Elevation Profile TabPress D-PAD (Up) or (Down) to swap active cursor between upper and lower windowsPress D-PAD (Left) or (Right) to move cursor along elevation profilePress (Menu) > [Adjust Zoom Ranges] and adjust x/y scales as desiredPress (Quit) to exit Zoom Range AdjustmentPressing D-PAD (Up) or (Down) continues to swap active cursor between upper and lower windowsPressing D-PAD (Left) or (Right)should move cursor along elevation profilePressing D-PAD (Left) or (Right) actually cycles between available Tabs (Map, Info, Elevation) [420] [470] [480] [490] [500] [600] [700] [710] [720] [730] [740] [760] [960] [990] [1000] [1010] [1020] [1030]130.Saving an Activity may result in the Recording Controls page being displayed completely blank or empty other than the Track Color. Pressing the D-PAD may add ")" to the display. [Example] [Gr] [960] [990]131.With [Setup > Units > Pressure = Hectopascals] configured, the Ambient Pressure and Barometric Pressure data fields are displayed in Pascals 'Pa'. [420] [470] [480] [490] [500] [600] [700] [710] [720] [730] [740] [760][960] [990] [1000] [1010] [1020] [1030]132.After selecting a geocache child waypoint via 'Additional Waypoints', the 'Activity' selection menu does not include the 'Direct' option, and after selecting any option the user is returned to the 'Activity' selection menu with 'Direct' listed again. [960] [990]133.Attempting BirdsEye Direct satellite imagery downloads may result in 'Waiting for connection to BirdsEye imagery servers.' message being displayed for an abnormally long period of time. [960] [990]134.Active Weather page no longer provides forecast information after updating to firmware version 9.60. [960] [990]135.[Setup > Routing > Activity] configuration is not respected when selecting [Where To? > any course > Roads & Trails > Go]. [Gr] [960] [990] [1000] [1010] [1020] [1030]136.Expedition Mode rapidly drains the battery and fails to save expected track points after updating to firmware version 9.60. [Gr] [960] [990]137.When resuming from Expedition Mode, the user configured GNSS settings are not remembered or restored. [Gr] [420] [470] [480] [490] [500] [600] [700] [710] [720] [730] [740] [760] [960] [990]138. 'On Track' and 'Off Track' notification alarms provide no options to disable or configure alert sensitivity. [Gr] [Gr] [Garmin] [960] [990] [1000] [1010] [1020] [1030]139.Downloading geocache PQ's and Lists via GCLive (Bluetooth and/or Wi-Fi) frequently fails to complete, and may render the device unresponsive to user input. [Gr] [960] [990] [1000] [1010] [1020] [1030]140.Tracks recorded while Expedition Mode is active may result in a saved GPX file that does not agree with the FIT file for the same activity. [Gr] [990] [1000] [1010] [1020] [1030]141.While navigating to any destination, opening the Elevation Plot Tab in the Recording Controls Page, pressing (FIND) and selecting [Stop Navigation] always returns the user to the Elevation Plot Page instead of the Elevation Plot Tab in the Recording Controls Page. [990] [1000] [1010] [1020] [1030]142.After selecting a geocache child waypoint via 'Additional Waypoints' and selecting 'Direct' in the 'Activity' selection menu, the Map page fails to display the magenta route line between the user's current position and the destination. [990] [1000] [1010] [1020] [1030]143.The 'Reverse Course' selection is missing from the Course Planner option menu after updating to firmware version 9.90. [990] [1000] [1010] [1020] [1030]144.Geocaching 'Next Stage' feature fails for geocaches with more than one 'Next Stage'. [groundspeak] [990] [1000]145.A. Open Course Planner, select any course, wait for the course to be calculated, then select the Map Tab and the selected course is displayed on the map. B. Press (QUIT), select any other course, and course information for the previously selected course (A) is displayed (no course is calculated). Select the Map Tab and the previously selected course (A) will be displayed on the map. [990] [1000] [1010] [1020] [1030]146.Map page POI's are no longer displayed after updating to firmware version 10.10. [Gr] [1010] [1020]147.Embedded POI information may be displayed incomplete and/or include additional text fragments 'ÿ' and/or no longer be formatted left justified after updating to firmware version 10.20. [Gr] [1020] [1030]148.Total Ascent values appear to be calculated incorrectly, especially when compared to similar models. [Gr](1216)[300] [310] [320] [330] [340] [410] [420] [470] [480] [490] [500] [600] [700] [710] [720] [730] [740] [760] [960] [990] [1000] [1010][1020] [1030]149.Recorded Activities page may load incomplete and/or incorrect activity data and fail to respond to user input. [1020] [1030]150.Data from Garmin Speed Sensor 2 is not included in Tracklog Recordings, nor is it used to update speed related data fields. [1000] [1010] [1020] [1030]151.When attempting to send a course via Share Wirelessly, the device instead enters navigation mode. [960] [990] [1000] [1010] [1020] [1030] 2ff7e9595c